Drivers across the country are keeping more money in their pockets after filling up a tank of gas.
‘Proactive enforcement’: City of London housing blitz aims at helping tenants address issues with landlords
The City of London’s municipal enforcement team spent Saturday at 700 units on Kipps Lane, helping tenants address property standards issues.
Huron OPP looking to identify suspect
The Huron County OPP are looking for help identifying a suspect who was allegedly involved in a theft in Bluewater and fraud in Grand Bend.
Strathroy-Caradoc police searching for robbery, stabbing suspects
The Strathroy-Caradoc police are investigating a robbery and stabbing following an incident early Saturday morning.
Dalewood Road in St. Thomas closed following collision
OPP West Region is reporting on X that Dalewood Road in St. Thomas is closed following a vehicle collision.
Trial against former Woodstock mayor, Trevor Birtch, continues
The trial of former Woodstock mayor, Trevor Birtch, continued on Friday.
Jacob Julien scores late to give London Knights preseason win, play again Saturday afternoon
Jacob Julien sent the crowd at Budweiser Gardens home with a smile after scoring the game winning goal with just 14 seconds left in regulation Friday night.
Chatham-Kent police remind drivers to watch for deer
Chatham-Kent police are reminding drivers to watch for deer while out on the roads, especially at dusk and dawn.
Assault with weapon charges laid in Lucknow
The South Bruce OPP have laid three counts of assault with a weapon against one person following an incident in Lucknow on Thursday.
Tinubu’s Media Aide, Ajuri Ngelale, Proceeds on Indefinite Leave of Absence
PRESS STATEMENT On Friday, I submitted a memo to the Chief of Staff to the President informing my office that I am proceeding on an indefinite leave of absence to frontally deal with medical matters presently affecting my immediate, nuclear family. While I fully appreciate that the ship of state waits for no man, this […]